You worked hard to obtain your nursing license. Along with plenty of nights cramming for tests and clinicals, you have a significant student loan debt load to pay off as a result.So, it only makes sense that you want to protect your nursing license. After all, you...
Over 25 Years of Criminal Defense Experience
Do you have to go through a DUI checkpoint?
One question that many people have is if they can stop and turn around if they see a DUI checkpoint. They may want to do so for any number of reasons, from not wanting to deal with the long lines to knowing that they could be over the limit.Most people have stopped at...
Breathalyzer results are not always reliable evidence
Failing a Breathalyzer test during a traffic stop typically leads to drunk driving charges which can impact a person's ability to continue their education, find housing and maintain employment. If you recently failed a Breathalyzer test in Illinois, it is worth the...
Do you know what to do if the police pull you over for DUI?
You're driving home one night from an evening out with friends when you happen to glimpse into the rearview mirror and see those flashing blue lights behind you. Uh-oh. Suddenly you're wishing you hadn't ordered that last glass of wine at the bar.You nervously pull...
Is house arrest appropriate for a DUI conviction?
Those facing drunk driving charges in Illinois should be relieved to learn that ours is not a state where there is mandatory jail time like some where even those convicted of first-offense DUI must serve time behind bars.Of course, each case is independently reviewed...
A DUI conviction can hurt your car insurance rate
Imagine driving home in Joliet on a Friday night. You had a long week at work and met up with some friends for happy hour to unwind. Only a few blocks from your house, you suddenly see a police officer behind you. A few seconds later, the officer switches on the...
Is it possible to trick an ignition interlock device?
There are several things people say will trick an ignition interlock device to make it appear as if you aren't intoxicated when you are. The ignition interlock device's job is to make sure your vehicle does not start if you are intoxicated when you get inside. If it...
Don’t make one of these mistakes at a DUI checkpoint
Imagine this: You're driving down the road, minding your business, and you see some commotion ahead. Soon enough, you realize that you're inching closer and closer to a DUI checkpoint.Even if you are 100 percent alcohol free, you may have some fears about driving...