Our Criminal Defense Firm Can Get Through This

Do not let fear get the best of you. Criminal & DUI charges can be fought. You still have a chance with our experienced attorney on your side.

5 Stars

Focus On The Facts And Move Forward

Being accused of a crime is scary. There is no doubt about it. The stakes can be high and you may be at risk of serious penalties. However, it is important to focus on the facts and not let fear get the best of you. Be aware that police and prosecutors may make it seem as though the odds are stacked against you when, in reality, you can fight criminal charges.

At Hammel Law Offices P.C. in Joliet, our lawyers focus on the facts. We begin every case by conducting a thorough assessment and informing you about the reality of the situation. We will empower you with knowledge of your rights and the potential outcomes of your case, and we will keep you involved in the process. While we investigate and find weaknesses in the case against you, we will give you a list of items that you can do to strengthen your position. Together, we will work diligently in pursuit of the best possible outcome.

Top-Quality Legal Services – Serving Illinois Since 1989

Criminal Defense


Landlord Law

We Know Criminal Defense

Having provided criminal defense representation to people throughout Illinois since 1989, we understand the nuances of the criminal justice system. Our knowledge is trusted throughout the legal community. Attorneys from our law firm frequently present seminars to our peers, and deliver articles on a variety of criminal defense topics through the Illinois State Bar Association (ISBA).

Additionally, our lawyers handle all traffic matters including appeals in criminal and civil court decisions.

Whether you have been accused of drunk driving or any other crime, our goal is to help you fight the charges and move on with your life.

Landlord Representation In Will County

In addition to our state wide criminal defense services, we also represent landlords in Will County with a variety of legal matters, including evictions.





5 Stars

What Our Clients Say

Meet Ted P. Hammel – Founder

Our law firm was founded in 1991 by attorney Ted P. Hammel. Prior to the founding of the firm, Mr. Hammel served as an assistant public defender in Will County beginning in 1989. In 2005, the firm merged with Brumund & Jacobs, eventually becoming Brumund Jacobs Hammel Davidson & Andreano, LLC. In 2016, Mr. Hammel separated from that firm to reintroduce Hammel Law Offices P.C. and focus on criminal defense, DUI and traffic violations. Ted P. Hammel has more than 25 years of criminal defense experience.

Ted P. Hammel